Crypto-Web is bullshit

There are many problems with Crypto-Web, which I will now refer to as Web3, despite there being similar ones. I will simply use Web3 synonymous with other such technologies.

I will try my best to properly structure this.

The main parts of this article

  1. "I'm not like other articles"
  2. The good things about Web3
  3. How the internet protocol works
  4. Other challenges to overcome
  5. Please tell me your opinion

"I'm not like other articles"

There are many other articles like this. This one is a bit different: It focuses mostly on challenges to overcome to make such a Web3, unlike many others which focus mostly on the environmental impact. Also, I will try to focus on both good and bad aspects.

The good things about Web3

Web3 is not all bad. It's got many good things about it. Fundamentally, I would even call it a good idea! This isn't even a complete list. So you might ask why I am against Web3...
Well, it's because of three main issues, one of them being how the internet works at the moment, one being the fact that decentralization is hard, and the third being environmental factors.

How the internet protocol works (right now)

Fundamentally, the internet was never meant to be centralized. That's why so many websites exist. However, there is a big problem, which is probably the main reason why almost no-one has a personal website anymore: Router Firewalls and IP addresses.

Of course, routers are great, and I don't dislike routers themselves, but I do dislike some of their functions: many routers have a very strict firewall, causing open ports of one computer to be inaccessible from outside the Local Area Network.
This isn't too bad however, as it can ususally be disabled with relatively little effort. The second problem is much harder to solve, however: The assignment (and structure) of IP addresses. IP addresses are stored as 32-bit integers, so four bytes. Sadly, this is not enough for each computer to have its own address, so computers now often have an IPv6 address, which is directly associated with that one computer, and a local IPv4 address, which is associated to the computer only in the local network. This local network then has another IPv4 address, which is what's actually available for the whole internet to see.

The internet protocol was meant to be decentralized, but not anonymous. Sadly, this decentralization has been made very difficult because of IPv4 restrictions and too strict default firewalls in router.

This is then combined with the fact that home IP addressed change regularly, and you've made hosting at home something from extremely inconvenient to borderline-impossible to the average person.

Changing that is hard

All of this happening any time soon is quite unlikely.

The impact on Web3

Web3 and crypto still rely on the Internet Protocol, meaning Web3 has the same issues. To avoid these, there would have to be centralized servers to route traffic, which is not truly decentralized!

Other challenges

Anonymity is hard

For Web3 to be anonymous, there would have to be extreme measures to ensure anonymity. Bitcoin shows that any service interacting with both real life and Web3 can easily link an "anonymous" wallet to a real person. There are, however, also cryptocurrencies like Monero which is truly anonymous. This level of anonymity is, however, nearly impossible to keep on such a large network, without causing large inconvenience[1].


Think for yourself, how is one gonna chat on a decentralized internet where no-one can be identified?

Give me some feedback

I would love to hear what you think about this blog post, so please feel free to have a conversation with me instead of sending me a DDoS attack. Here is my contact info:

Discord TudbuT#2624


[1] True anonymity can only be achieved when all of the following are ensured, causing a lot of inconvenience:
  • Good op-sec
  • No accounts
  • No cookies
  • Single-use IP addresses (or the equivalent of those)